DIGITAL POLICIES respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that a copyrighted work that you own has been infringed on this website (, you should notify us.

Our agent for notice of claims of copyright or other intellectual property infringement can be reached at: [email protected] we will remove that material within 24 to 48 hours or ASAP the website if your claim is right.

Elements of Copyright Infringement Claims

You have to include some necessary elements in your copyright infringement claims, which include

An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;
A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on our website, with enough detail that we may find it on the website;
Your address, telephone number, and email address;
A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law; and
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf.

We will immediately remove the content if information provided by you is correct and owned by you.

Digital Copyrights, Content & Images Policy for Customers:

All the content produced and images on client website are solely client responsibility as the content and images are checked by client and has the full ownership of the website, we do work as directed by client only as per client instructions, we do not own any of the content on client website.

Whatever we write on client website or whatever images used on client site are clients liability as they are posted 100% on the instructions of the client, checked and verified by client under his consent and liability.

Please Note: or any of our staff does not own or is not liable for any of the content, template, image, video or any of the digital assets of the client or client website.

Our Work Policy: and our staff does all work as directed by client as per client requirements which is checked and approved by client only then it is published online.

Licences of Assets on Client Site: Its solely clients responsibility to buy licences of the images and the content used on client website we do not own the liability of images or content or code used on client website.

For the images, content, images, template, theme, code client has the main admin access and he can change or take the access from us at any given point also has ability to change images, content, images, template, theme, code at any point in time so we do not own the liability of all these assets during or after the project.

SEO Results: The results in SEO can change anytime due to changes in search engine algorithms or any other reason, so please be sure we do not give any of the guarantees in SEO results that you will come on page 1 of search engines rather we work according to the best SEO practices so that your site is compliant with search engine optimization best practices and also come up in search engine results but SEO results are ever changing so we or any one else cannot guarantee your rankings it all depends on the competition in your keywords and industry and the efforts and money you put in your marketing.

Images or Content from Google or Any other Website: We do not provide any images, content or use images, content listed on google or any public domain for use on client website its clients responsibility to ensure his website does not contain copyright material from other websites, neither we advise client to put images, content from google. Client should use his own artwork and own the content on his website.

Copyright Issues/Claims: In case of copyrights on images, content, code, theme, template client is solely responsible for the stuff on his website we are not liable for any claims all data which exists on clients websites are provided by clients or in case provided by our employees or agencies that are working with us and are our partners we have clearly stated them not to use any copyright material, content, images etc nor images from google or any creative commons image the they post any such image, article content which comes under copyright or any violation the employee or agency who has done it will be responsible JunaidTariq or any of its owners or directors will not be responsible for it, most of the times content and images are provided by clients themselves once its on client website they are fully responsible for it.

Data Provided for Demo: The data for demo purpose provided to client is only for demonstration only client needs to buy images, template, code and any copyright material if he intends to use on his website under his own liability.

What is content: logos, brand names, images, designs, photographs, video clips and written and other materials that appear on our or client website.

Cookies / Marketing & Re-marketing: 

We use Google Analytics, Adwords, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube analytics and tracking additionally heatmaps or other software’s only to batter understand the needs of our clients so we can serve them better and you might see ads relevant to services you see on our website on other websites you visit for marketing and re marketing purposes if you do not want to receive such advertisement simply mail us at: [email protected] so we can remove you from cookies or if ur on any of the mailing list.

Emailing & Newsletters: 

By submitting the inquiry form / newsletter or visiting our website for inquiring some specific service we might send you emails regarding your asked quotation and followup regarding your inquiry if you want to remove your self from the list plz email at: [email protected] and we will ensure you are removed from list within 24 to 48 hours or ASAP.